Course Review: Gender, Development, Technology
by Deepti Chatti
Co-taught by Inderpal Grewal and Deepti Chatti

Inderpal Grewal |
Can technology solve global inequalities and pressing social and environmental problems? How is technology imagined as an apolitical fix for international development? How can we understand the gendered and racialized targets of international development, as well as the gendered and racialized creators of technological fixes for a wide range of issues? In this new class at Yale designed as an advanced undergraduate seminar, we bring together a diverse set of perspectives, histories, and dilemmas with the goal of understanding how to think of ‘development’ and ‘technology for development’ as subjects of study. Beginning with theoretical tools for students to understand critical perspectives on development, gender, and science and technology, the class then covers interventions in the fields of energy, environment, health, agriculture, education, self-help groups, microcredit, and rights-based struggles around women's claims to resources and opportunities in South Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. We draw on academic texts as well as news articles, editorials, blog posts, videos, and discuss class concepts in relation to current events.
This is the first time the class has been taught at Yale, and has drawn an excellent, enthusiastic, and engaged group of students from Anthropology, Ethnicity, Race, and Migration, Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Political Science, American Studies, Global Affairs, History, and Environmental Studies.
On a personal note, it has been a privilege, joy, and an intensely fruitful learning experience for me to co-teach this class with Inderpal Grewal. I have learned, by following her example, how to create a seminar space that is welcoming and rich and elicits the best in students. In our class, students bring their multiple perspectives to each discussion with zeal; they are not hesitant to challenge each other’s beliefs and perspectives. Postings on Canvas continue class discussions long after we disperse for the week. Co-teaching this class with Inderpal Grewal has been one of the most enriching experiences of my time at Yale as a doctoral student. |